
Be Ready, Stay Safe

Disaster Stages

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Planning & Preparedness

Be Ready: Plan and Prepare for Disasters

Cal OES Planning and Preparedness focuses on preparing California for disasters through comprehensive emergency plans and community-wide coordination. Preparedness is a shared responsibility involving state agencies, local governments, businesses, and individuals. Learn how to create continuity plans, plan for worst-case scenarios, and ensure your community’s safety when disasters strike.

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Latest News & California Updates

Stay Informed: Get the Latest California Disaster Updates

Cal OES Newsroom keeps you up to date with real-time information on wildfires, earthquakes, weather events, and emergency response efforts. These critical updates could impact your safety and recovery.

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Get Alerts

Sign Up for Emergency Alerts in California

CalAlerts provides lifesaving notifications directly to your phone or email. Be the first to know about wildfires, earthquakes, and severe weather in your area so you can act fast.

Health Assessment (OEHHA)

Protect Your Health During Disasters

OEHHA Emergency Response Resources help you stay informed about air quality, water safety, and other environmental health risks—essential data to safeguard your family’s health before, during, and after disasters.

Post-disaster & Recovery

Disaster Assistance

The Disaster Assistance Improvement Program provides disaster survivors with information, support, services, and a means to access and apply for disaster assistance through joint data-sharing efforts between federal, tribal, state, local, and private sector partners.

Cal OES Assistance

United Ways of California collaborates with the state’s leadership hub, Cal OES, in post-disaster response and recovery stages. Cal OES supports state resources and secures Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) resources to assist affected communities.

Federal Assistance

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) helps people before, during, and after disasters. Governors may request Federal Assistance if state resources are insufficient. FEMA coordinates with state and local governments, nonprofits, and other agencies to restore communities.

California Disaster Quick Links

211 Now

211 Now

United Ways of California is committed to supporting communities in times of crisis. Visit Interface Children & Family Services’ disaster events online portal at 211now.com for critical resources, emergency assistance, and recovery support. Stay informed and get information today.



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School Emergency

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